The best defense is a well-planned offense.
What happens now? The specifics will depend on your unique situation, but in my experience, these are the steps that lead to a successful partnership:
Take a deep breath.
Really. Facing a criminal charge is a marathon, not a sprint. It is important to remember to stay calm, pace yourself and hire a lawyer you trust to advise you. Like most people, you probably do not know the finer details of the law you are accused of breaking, let alone what you can do to minimize the short- and long-term impact. The fear and anxiety you are feeling is based on this lack of information, but we will fix that soon. Information is powerful and I will immediately provide you with what you need to start feeling like you understand the challenges ahead and are equipped to proactively deal with what is coming.
Meet with me.
Our first meeting is much more than a “free consultation.” It is a two-way conversation in which you can tell your side of the story without judgment, and I can provide personalized advice, a game plan, and a realistic idea of what to expect in the months and weeks ahead.
This is a chance for us both to see whether we will work well together on a basis of trust, which is essential to success. After our initial meeting, you will have no obligation to work with me, but regardless, you will take away value in the form of accurate information, answers, and peace of mind. I want every client I represent to trust me and feel confident that I have their best interest at heart. After the first meeting, you should have a solid sense of what I can do to help you and whether I am the best fit to assist you as you move forward. -
Prepare for your case.
After you decide to hire me, we will start working together to get the facts and assess the evidence. We will determine some of your best-case scenarios and the optimal strategy to achieve them. I will give you action items and resources that will help you feel more in control of your situation and outcome. The final decisions are ALWAYS yours to make and I will provide you with informed options during every step of the process.
Present your case at all stages of the trial process.
The truth is that most cases never go to a jury trial, but we start to prepare for that from day one. I tell all my clients, my job is to get you options to consider, whether that is a plea bargain or an honest assessment of the risks and benefits of taking your case to trial. Along the way there is a great deal of strategy and interaction with the prosecutors and the court. My relationships and reputation for fairness, honesty and concern for my clients goes a long way in putting the weight of credibility behind our case – at every stage in the process.
The details will take shape as we work our way through this process, but you can rest assured that together, we will make the best of a tough situation and I will always work hard to get you the best possible outcome for your specific case.
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